One of the Joys of creating theatre is the research. This is particularly important when you are doing an historical drama like James Goldman's THE LION IN WINTER .
There is a lot of material on the major players of the tale, not surprising when you realize that they were among the most powerful political figures of their time.
Then again , there are some odd gaps. For example, Eleonor of Acquitane's appearance. Contemporary accounts describe her as a great beauty. However , details are sketchy as to her exact appearance , even her hair color .
The assumption we have that she had auburn or red hair seems to come from a mural in the Church of Sainte Radegonde in Chinon (Chinon Castle being the setting of the play ).
However, we do have documents galore of her legal works , & even letters to various dignitaries and Popes. They show an intelligent strong willed woman able to defend her ideas & opinions . One wonders what she would think of our world today .
- Kevin G Shinnick
May 14, 2022
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