THE LION IN WINTER by James Goldman
TETCNY's first Rochester, NY area play, licensed through Concord Theatricals
Director Kevin G Shinnick has worked for decades as an actor and director in NYC and NJ asl well as performing in Florida and Europe.
Rehearsal dates: January 22, 24, 25, 29, 31 and February 1, 5, 7, 8, 12, 14, 15
(additional dates if necessary)
Rehearsal times: Weekdays 7pm to 10pm, Saturdays 3pm to 6pm
Rehearsal location: MT ED performance space
Rehearsals the week of February 17,18,20,21st are 7-10 pm, & Saturday February 22 from 1-5 pm
at FLYING SQUIRRELS COMMUNITY SPACE, 285 Clarissa Street, Rochester, NY 14608.
Load-in: 5 pm - 10 pm February 23, with rehearsal.
TECH WEEK: February 24, 25, 26, 27
Load-in, Tech week and performance location: MuCCC, 142 Atlantic Avenue, Rochester, NY 14607
Performance dates: February 28 ( 7.30 pm), March 1( 7.30 pm), March 2 ( 2pm matinee with talkback ),
March 6, (7.30 pm) , March 7 ( 7:30 pm ), March 8( 7:30 pm) .
Load out: March 9
The setting is 1183, Christmas time in Chinon Castle, France.
HENRY II, King of England (Male, 50) – Though aging, Henry is still very nearly as vital as he ever was. His manipulations of family and others are portrayed as spontaneous and emotional as opposed to the well-thought-out stratagems of Eleanor, and the cold, calculating machinations of Geoffrey.
QUEEN ELEANOR (Female, 61) – Eleanor is the wife of Henry and a beautiful woman of hot temperament, and great authority and presence. She has been a queen for nearly 46 years and is thoroughly capable of holding her own in a man's world. She schemes against Henry and loves him intensely at the same time. She has contempt for her children but is not willing to see them harmed. Intelligence ,wit .
JOHN (Male, can portray 16) – He is the youngest son of Henry and Eleanor. He is sulky and sullen, with a boyish outlook on his position; many in the play describe him as a spoiled brat. He is described in the play as pimply and smelling of compost. He is Henry's favorite, but also the weakest. He vacillates throughout the play, not out of cleverness, but out of fear and weakness. He is easily tricked and manipulated by Geoffrey. Petulant.
GEOFFREY (Male, 25) – He is a son of Henry and Eleanor, and a man of energy and action. He is attractive, charming and has the strongest intellect of the family; he is also a cold, amoral schemer. His view of himself is of one who yearned greatly for the love of his parents while receiving none. Yet the play leaves open to question whether any of Henry's three sons should be thought to have been truly loved by either Henry or Eleanor, and not merely used by King and Queen as pawns in their ceaseless scheming against one another. Coldly efficient, the spider bringing everyone into his web.
RICHARD (Male, 26) – The eldest surviving son of Henry and Eleanor, their second son Henry having recently died. Richard is handsome, graceful and impressive and has been a famous soldier since his middle teens. War is his profession and he is good at it. He is easily the strongest and toughest of the three sons/princes. Richard and Philip II have been sexually involved prior to the action of the play. However, Philip declares that he participated in the affair purely for political purposes, whereas Richard indicates he had genuine affection for Philip.
ALAIS CAPET (Female, 23) – She is in love with Henry. Everyone underestimates her intellect and power. She is initially portrayed as innocent, but by the end of the play has begun to acquire a ruthless streak of her own, insisting that Henry imprison his three sons for the rest of their lives in the dungeon.
PHILLIP II, King of France (Male, 18) – He has been King of France for three years. He is not initially as accomplished as Henry in manipulating people, but seems to acquire greater skills at this during the play. He is impressive and handsome without being pretty.
Still Seeking :
Two Backstage crew (move flats and props in semi darkness for scene changes).
Prop Person
Costume Crew (care of costumes from rental company)
Box Office
Questions: Kevin at Please indicate "THE LION IN WINTER" in the subject line.
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