we are still seeking
tech crew
Lighting Designer
sound/ light board operator
set crew
house (box office, concessions,ushers)
Fight Captain
I would like to get tech team assembled as soon as possible, perhaps attend a few rehearsals to see concept of show and see how their contributions make the production better .
We need strong stage performers who can handle complex language. Stage combat a must for Henry and Richard, with John and Geoffrey able to learn a few moves. Must be comfortable with Sexual situations for Henry, Eleanor Alais ; Richard and Phillip . (kissing, fondling, intimacy ) Open casting .
HENRY II: The king of England, 50s . Male identifying . Henry is the husband of Eleanor of Aquitaine and the father of Richard, Geoffrey, and John. He also has taken Alais Capet as his mistress. In his fifties, Henry is nearing the years when most men of that age died; however, he still has remarkable vigor and wit, as well as physical prowess. His clear favorite for his successor is his son, John, but his main desire is to keep his kingdom together after his death. STRONG STAGE PRESENCE. Stage combat .
ALAIS: sister of Philip . 23 . Female identifying. Through a contracted marriage with Richard, would ally the two strong countries of France and England. She was raised as a child by Eleanor, and is the mistress of Henry. Suggested nudity(from back in shadows) kissing . Noted for her beauty,
She begins as political pawn but grows, we see a possible future Eleanor
JOHN -Looks 17 Male identifying .John is described as pimply and an immature boy. He is, however, his father’s choice for the crown, and he uses this knowledge in taunting his two brothers. Good comic timing . Brief knife fight.
GEOFFREY looks 25 . Male identifying The illegitimate son of Henry . The most cerebral of the three boys. Not considered to be a successor for king, he uses John in his attempt for power behind the scenes. Seemingly cold, there are cracks of his inner pain.
Brief knife fight.
RICHARD:The Lionheart .Looks 26 . Warrior . Male identifying .Seems aloof but we see his humanity crack through with his mother and later with Phillip, especially when he is betrayed . BiSexual situation. Good stage combat
QUEEN ELEANOR: (looks 59) The wife of Henry II , mother of kings. Female identifying Eleanor is a strong and powerful woman in her own right. Still a legendary beauty , she is Henry 's match intellectually .VERY STRONG STAGE PRESENCE, able to dominate any scene , runs the emotional gamut . Kissing scene .
KING PHILLIP CAPET : king of France, (looks 18) . Male identifying / Still learning how to weld power, we find that he will do whatever it takes to take down Henry. BiSexual situation .
Non Equity actors of all ethnicities and backgrounds . Open Casting. Play is an Historical Comedy Drama ,so a good grasp of Period ,as well as clarity with dialogue is appreciated , as well as being comfortable with the sexual situations and violence within the period play .
Auditions for THE LION IN WINTER . Rochester NY six performances late February, early march 2025. AUDITIONS will be early December, with a table read mid December. Cat expected to be Off book before rehearsals as much as possible to work on characterizations, blocking , intimacy issues and fight scene safety . Contact Kevin at