I hope everyone is having a pleasant healthy and creative week.
Here at TETCNY , we are exploring some interesting sites where to
possibly perform THE LION IN WINTER. Due to some negotiations.
we cannot discuss where until we have a clear idea if it will go forward or not.
Rest assured, when we can we will announce the results.

Second, we are applying for a New York State Council on the Arts grants for theatre .
FRACTURED ATLAS is helping us get the application and hopefully see if we qualify. It might take a few months but it will be a big help .
Meanwhile (grabs tin cup & rattles) , we still are quite dependent upon the kindness of strangers
(and friends ) to help us get this production off the ground .
Every ten dollars you give gets us closer to producing THE LION IN WINTER
(and to stop our endless financial requests ) .
We listed items in the last blog which can be used as IN KIND DONATIONS .
Every bit useable is a big help.
PLEASE take the time to share our information on social media to help us raise funds.
The donation link again is
Thank you for helping to keep Live Theatre ALIVE !!!
Gratefully ,